Happy New Year 2021
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A memorable year is coming to an end. One in which the whole world entered into tremendous turbulence that affected all our life systems - politics, economy, society. Each of us is affected by it and it requires all of us to cope with this exceptional situation and to find our way out of the crisis. I sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are doing well so far and that confidence in better days will prevail.
I would like to thank you especially for your loyalty and appreciation of the products and activities of the Schauraum für angewandte Kunst. With your purchase, you make it possible for my small business to continue, but also for the cooperating craft businesses. A heartfelt thank you to you also on their behalf.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year! Stay healthy and keep confidence and optimism for 2021! Looking forward to seeing you again!
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